Admin privileges

Administrative privileges in Skylight allow designated staff at an agency or organizations to view, edit and create accounts for their team.
Admin privileges are only related to administrative functions. Admin privileges do not include any differences in available data or events in the Skylight platform.
To designate an admin for your organization, please email or contact your Skylight representative.
Once admin privileges are enabled for a user, you can access it under the My Skylight tab in Skylight.
Account creation
Admins for can create accounts for their teammates. Admins cannot/must not create accounts for people outside of their organization/agency.
Creating Accounts
Admins can create new users using the “Add User” button.

Complete the fields to create the account. Email, Role (user or admin) are required fields. You will also have to confirm the new user is member of your organization.
After hitting “Save”, an email will be sent to that new account with instructions on how to set their password.
Please let your colleagues know to expect an email from If you encounter issues, please reach out to
Account management
The Admin page provides key information and tools to help manage accounts.
Beyond user information (name, title), the Admin page also shows:
- Created - Date / time the account was created
- Last login - Date / time of the last use
- Previous email - If a user changes the email to the account, this field will include the previous email name.
The follow sections outline additional tools available from the admin page as highlighted in teh screenshot below.

Admins can download a list of all users with Skylight accounts in their organization using the “Export” button in the top right of the page. The exported data is the same as what's shown on the Admin page.
Edit account
Using the pencil icon (), admins can add additional details about a person, change their username for them, promote them into an administrator, etc.
Delete account
Use the trash can icon () to delete accounts as needed. Once selected, you will be asked to confirm the account deletion.
Deleting an account will also delete all Areas, Events, Saved Filters or Alerts. If a new account is created with the same email, Areas, alerts, etc. will need to be recreated.
Reset email
Using the key icon (), click to trigger a password reset for a user. Note that the reset email will expired after 30 minutes.
Alternatively, users can reset their email by using the forgot password link:
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