Event details card
Information for events in the Skylight platform

For each event shown on the map, you can click the icon to view more information about the event in the “event details card.”
The key elements of each event details card include:
- Event type
- Date and Time of the event
- Lat, Lon coordinates for the lcation/start of the event
- Name, MMSI, Vessel Type, IMO, Length - Based on AIS data
- Event history - the total Skylight events of the same type that Skylight has detected.
Clicking on the vessel name will open the Vessel detail page.
When you are done viewing, you can close the event card by clicking the X in the upper right corner.
Additional event information
For certain AIS-based events, the event details card will include additional information.
- A duration in hours/minutes (Standard and Dark Rendezvous, Entry)
- The corresponding exit time of a vessel’s for Entry events (when less than 72 hours)
- The relevant Area of Interest (Entry, Speed Range)
- The average speed within the specified range (Speed Range)

For vessel detections, the event details card will usually include an image of the event (Satellite Radar, Optical Imagery, Night Lights). For Radio Frequency, the frequency and associated band is included.
All event details card include the option to share feedback. You can click the “thumbs up” to indicate the event appears accurate (e.g., yes detection appears to be a vessel), a shrug (I’m not sure if the detection shows a vessel) or a thumbs down (e.g., the detection does not appear to be a vessel).
This data is referenced by the Skylight team to improve the AI models. Any comments you are able to provide are also most welcome.
Additional information/functions
In the top right portion of the Events Details card, a few options allow for further detail about that event.
Show Data Sources
For the vessel details (e.g., MMSI), clicking “Show data sources” will show where the data came from. Currently, the data is based on AIS data. Skylight intends to enrich vessel information with additional sources in the future.
Copy Event Link
Clicking the “Copy Event Link” will copy the link for pasting elsewhere. This is helpful for sharing specific events with links with colleagues, partners or for technical troubleshooting.
Download CSV and KMLs
Downloading data allows for additional analysis of events in other platforms or analytical software.
The CSV and KML data contains the same information (contained in the table below). The KML data also includes track data to be visualize in geospatial software, like Google Earth and QGIS.
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