Exporting map data
Downloading from the main map can be helpful for displaying Skylight data in other geospatial systems.
Steps to download events from the map:
- Zoom into your area of interest.
- (Optionally) Click on a custom area to limit events that have occurred only inside that area.
- (Optionally) Apply any filters you would like to take into account, such as time frame, event type, vessel nationalities
- Choose between CSV and KML to download from the Event List
The third option - Networked KML - is intended for those who want to re-create a real-time map of Skylight events in Google Earth.
Example: Global Fishing Watch
1. Follow the above instructions to download as CSV
2. On the GFW Main Map, scroll to the bottom to “User Datasets"

3. Choose the “Points” option and choose the CSV file that was previously downloaded

4. (Optional) Update the Fields
- Consider choosing “event_link” for the Point Label to make it easy to navigate between the GFW map and the Skylight map.

5. “Confirm” and see the combined map!
- Tip: You might need to change the time period to cover the time range the Skylight data is available for

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