Basic map tools
- Zoom
- Map layers
- Measuring tool
- Download
These tools accessed from the the upper left portion of the map as shown in the image. See the “Show Nearby AIS Tracks” article for information on the last icon in the list ().

To zoom in or out on the map, users can use the and
buttons in the top left of the screen. You can also use the scroll function on your computer mouse/track pad to zoom in and out.
Specific Points on the map
Sometimes it’s helpful to be able to zoom into a precise area of the Skylight map based on coordinates. Using the zoom buttons can get you close, but manipulating the Skylight URL is a more precise option.<zoom level>/lat/long
For example in the screenshot the URL is:
Zoom level = 4.77
Lat = -3.13
Long = 156.27
Editing these values will take you a different place on the map.
Zoom levels are #1.5 (the most zoomed out; this is the default Skylight view) to #22 (most zoomed in).
You can also see where your cursor is on the map using the coordinates in the bottom right hand portion of the screen.

Map Layers
Theicon has several map layers that can be
Bathymetry - Depth of the ocean.
12NM - 12 nautical mile from the coast demarcating the territorial sea.
EEZ - Exclusive Economic Zone. 200nm from the coast.
My Areas - User created Areas of Interest
For details on the data sources, please see the Skylight Data Sources page.
Measuring tool
The measuring tool (ruler icon) allows you to measure distances as well as the size of an area.
- Click on the ruler icon (
) in the left-hand toolbar to open the measuring tool.
- Select a unit of measurement of your choice (Nautical Miles, Kilometers, Miles, Meters)
- Click on the map to create a starting point and move the cursor to measure.
- As the cursor moves, a live distance and bearing from the last point will display following your cursor.
- Click again on the map to add a vertex/point to a polygon or polyline.
- As points are added, the sum of all distances will display in a box on the top left.
- To start a new line/polygon, click Reset.
- To close the tool, simply click on “X” in the top right box.

The download icon on the left side of the map will download all the event data visible on the map. Data is available in CSV or KML format.
You can also choose the Networked KML option to start streaming events in Google Earth. See the “Events in Google Earth” article for more information.
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