Saved Filters, Alerts
Setting/Saving filters and creating alerts
A Saved Filter enables you to quickly apply your preferred settings to an Area of Interest without needing to remember or manually reset filters.
The Saved Filter feature can be used for general filters (e.g., events, vessel flag) or creating vessel lists by using MMSI numbers, for example.
Once a filter is saved, simply go to the area and click “Apply” to view the relevant events on the map.
You can also set up alerts from any saved filter to be notified of situations needing immediate attention.
Each area can have multiple alerts.

Using filters
Creating a Saved Filter
All Saved Filters are based on an Area of Interest. If you do not have an Area(s) where you want, you will need create one before saving a filter.
Step 1: Start by applying settings to the map using the Events and the Filters tab. Applying these filters will give you a preview of what your saved filter will show. If you don’t see many events, you can extend the date range to 2 weeks or more to better understand the frequency of events that match your filter.
Step 2: Under the Areas tab, open the Area, then click the plus icon (). This will open the Create Filter window to finalize the alert. You will notice that the filters you applied to the map are shown here.
You can edit the name, change any events for the save filter and confirm the correct filters are applied. At this point, you can make the event an alert.
Step 3: Click Save. Return to the Area to confirm the Saved Filter is available.

Applying a Saved Filter
From the Saved Alert, simply click "Apply” from the Saved Filter. The map, including the Event and Filter tabs will reflect those settings.
Creating Alerts
Any saved event can be used to generate Alerts, which helpful for time sensitive information.
Either during the creation of a Saved Alert or by editing one, you can check the box for the two types of alerts.
- In-app notification - Alerts are added to the “Notifications” list in the web platform (see below)
- Email - The alert is sent to the email associated with the account

In app notifications
The in-app notifications list of alerts allows users to systematically review events for corresponding alerts.
Unread (unreviewed) events (those not yet clicked) show in bold text with a “red” dot on the far right. Read (reviewed) events show regular text (not bold) and show a “teal blue” dot on the far right.
The three dots in line with each alert let you change the read/unread status, as well as delete individual alerts. At the bottom of the list of notifications, you can change the status of all alerts to “read” or delete all alerts.
Email alerts
All email alerts are sent to email associated with the Skylight account that created the Alert. The email alerts include an overview of the event (or satellite frame) that triggered the alert, as well as a link to view the relevant data.
Recommendation: Create separate saved filters for “dark vessel” detection and for AIS-based events (such as Fishing or Rendezvous events involving vessels from Spain). This is because dark vessel detections do not have any associated identifying AIS data. In other words, any applies filters will result in no “dark vessel” detections.
Vessel Detection Alerts
There are two options for vessel detections alerts. With the “Vessel Detections” Event Type box is checked, you must select one of the two options
- Vessel detections - Alert generated only when a vessel detection occurs within the Area of Interest. Any configured filters apply.
- Frame - Alert generated when any satellite frame overlaps/touches the Area of Interest. This option can be helpful if knowing whether or not activity has been detected.
Reminder: Vessel detections capabilities are not able to capture all vessel activity --sometimes due to weather/environmental conditions, sometimes due to vessel characteristics (e.g., size, material, use of light).
Managing Alerts - Editing, Deleting
Under the Saved Filters tab, select “Edit” to reopen the window to edit events. You can also enable and disable alerts.
To edit filters, apply desired filters to the map. Then, navigate to the relevant Area's Saved Filter and click Edit. In the Edit Filter window that opens, you will have an option to “Update with map Filters."
Note that using the “Update with map Filters” will override any existing previous filters. To avoid removing any desired filter, you might start by “Applying” the Saved Filter, then going to the map to add/change filters and then returning to the Saved Filter to “Edit” and then choosing the “Update with map Filters.”
Under the Saved Filters tab, open a filter and then select “Delete.” You will then be promoted to confirm that you would like to delete the Saved Filter.
Applying a saved filter to multiple areas
If you would like to duplicate your filter for multiple areas, simply click “Apply” from one of your saved filters. This will apply those filters to the Events and Filters on the main map. You can click filters to view them. Then go to another AOI and click plus sign, confirm the same filters have been applied to this area. Now, save the filter for this area and those same filters will be applied.
Filtering whole map
Should you wish to filter your entire map by a saved filter, start by clicking “Apply” from one of your saved filters. Then, click on the map outside of the area of interest and those same filters will apply to the entire map.
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