Filters overview
Setting/Saving filters and creating alerts
The Skylight web platform offers a few ways to limit information displayed on the main map.
Each tab provides information on any applied settings:
- Events - Numbers of events enabled (e.g., 3 events enabled)
- Filters - Total number of filters applied (e.g., 2 filters applied)
- Date - Total date range available on the map and using the time slider (e.g., 48 hours of data available to the map)

The Events tab let's you turn on/off any desired events. This includes any AIS-based events (e.g., fishing) and any Vessel Detection events.
Under the “Filters” tab, two categories allow you to filter the type of Events (based on AIS data) and Vessel Detections displayed on the map.
The Events filter utilizes AIS data to filter events on the screen (e.g., Vessel type, Nationality, MMSI).
IMPORTANT: Using any of these filters will hide any “dark vessel” detections. This is because all “Events” filters rely on AIS data, whereas “dark vessel” detections do not have any associated AIS data.
Vessel Detections
The Vessel Detections filter allows you to select the type of remote sensing (e.g., Satellite Radar, Optical Imagery) and more.
Events and filters can be saved for regular use as well as used as alerts. See the Saved Alerts section.
Date range and Time Slider
The date range filter is by default set to 48 hours (with 24 hours of events visible on the map using the time slider). Data is available up to 18 months in the past. Up to 31 days of data can be viewed at one time.
The Time Slider can further manipulate the time range of what's visible on the map.
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