Event Filters
Setting/Saving filters and creating alerts
The “Filters” tab contains a group of filters for “Events.” These filters use AIS data to focus on events. These filters do not apply to dark vessel detections, which do not have associated AIS information by Skylight's definition (vessel detection without AIS = "dark").
Reminder: AIS data can be configured incorrectly or incompletely.
Important note on combining filters
Applying multiple values within one filter field will return events from any of those values.
For example: Using the Vessel Nationality filter, applying the values: Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines. Events on the map will be from any of the vessel flagged as Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines.
This is an “or” function. Indonesia or Vietnam or Philippines.
Values across multiple filters will return values matching values in both filters
For example: Using the Vessel Nationality filter, applying the values: Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines; and, Vessel type filter, applying the values Cargo, Tanker. Events on the map will be from any of the vessel flagged as Indonesia, Vietnam, or Philippines and a Cargo or Tanker vessel.

Vessel types
Vessel type is determined by AIS data.The filter will limit events to whichever vessel types are selected. It is often easiest to start with “Select All” and irrelevant vessel types.
The table below summarizes all vessel types captured in the platform. A full list available ship type codes for AIS available here.
Vessel Type |
Description |
Cargo |
All cargo types, including “Reefers” |
Enforcement |
Vessels engaged in military operations, search and rescue, law enforcement vessels, and fishery patrols |
Fishing |
Fishing vessel types |
Passenger |
Passenger vessels (e.g. cruise ships, ferries, etc.) |
Pleasure |
Pleasure craft (e.g. sailing, yachts, etc.) |
Search and Rescue (SAR) |
Search-and-rescue vessels |
Service |
Anti-pollution, dredging, offshore supply, pilot, tender, towing, and tug vessels |
Tanker |
All tanker types |
Other |
Diving, HSC, Medical, NAC, Spare, WIG, and other vessel types classified under Ship |
Unknown |
Vessels not contained in our database or transmitting a vessel type. Fishing vessels, as well as fishing gear often use the “unkown” category. |
Partner Vessel type
The Partner vessel type is specific to Standard Rendezvous events and intended for use with the Vessel type filter. The combination of the two filters allows you to control rendezvous between specific types of vessels.
The example on the right shows an example with “Cargo” vessel (Vessel Type filter) and “Fishing” (Partner Vessel Type filter). The map results will only show Standard Rendezvous events between a Cargo and Fishing vessel.
Filtering by nationality returns events for vessels according to their Flag Country, Control Country (CC), or Owner Country.
Flag Country is based off the first three digits of the MMSI (Maritime Identification Digits/MID) the vessel is transmitting on AIS. The first three digits of an MMSI number is a code that maps to specific countries.
The Nationality filter allows you to exclude values. For example, if you wish to focus on only foreign vessels, you could “exclude” any vessels from your nation.
You can also filter by “Unknown” nationality for those vessels with MMSI that does not have a valid MID (994008667). A complete list of valid MIDs here.
The status filter ("in progress only") shows events that have not ended. For example: An Entry event where a vessel has not yet left the Area of Interest. Another example: An ongoing Standard Rendezvous.
You can also use the time slider to see the most recent events.
Vessel info
These filters are specific to individual vessels. These filters are particularly useful if you have Vessels of Interest or “VOI” Lists that are particularly important to monitor.
For each of these filters have the option to use the “include”/"exclude" function. Reminder: multiple filters will return results that match all filters (e.g., MMSI: 123456789 AND IMO: 987654).
Add individual or multiple MMSIs to create a list of vessels. You can paste from spreadsheets.
Add individual or multiple IMO numbers to create a list of vessels.
Vessel Name
Add individual or multiple names to create a list of vessels.
The Vessel Name filter utilizes an incomplete/fuzzy match. For example, “Imula” will return any vessel with “imula” in its name.

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