Enable Entry, Speed Range Events
Generating events
Entry events are simply enabled by checking the box either during Area creation or editing an Area under the “Events” tab of an area.
Speed Range events are initiated by clicking the plus sign () during Area creation or editing an Area under the “Events” tab of an area. Areas can be support multiple Speed Range events.

Disabling events
From an Area with enabled Entry or Speed Range events, the events can be turned off from within the Events tab.
Entry events are disabled by un-clicking Entry events.
Speed Range events are disabled by clicking “Delete" in the line of an existing speed range event.
Configuring Speed Range Events
Speed range events are based on a minimum and maximum speed over a certain distance or time.
The Distance settings can be configured by nautical miles (nm), kilometer (km) or miles (mi).
The Time settings can be configured by minutes or hours.

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